About Christie
About Christie
Christie Johnson, owner and operator of Memorable Legacy, is a Photo Project Manager, Certified Professional Photo Organizer, Scrapbook Album & Digital Book Designer, Photo & Memorabilia Preserving & Digitizing Expert, Professional Genealogist Genealogy Researcher & Organizer, and Family Legacy Preserver, and Professional Speaker.
Christie enjoys being crafty and creative. She has always loved and is passionate about her photos and family history, preserving the stories since she was young. In the late 1990s, she became an avid scrapbooker to help preserve and protect those photos and tell the stories.

In 2003, Christie started a company called “Scrapbook Designer,” which helped clients with their scrapbooking needs, taught scrapbook classes, and made scrapbook albums. Christie would shop for scrapbook supplies, organize photos upon photos, coordinate scrapbook parties, and make scrapbook gifts. With the endless digital images, she has also made numerous travel/vacation books and baby books with only the pictures from the phone. She has also created family history digital albums for many family members to enjoy.
Christie then decided to grow her business to include Home Organizing and created a “Vision to be Organized” company in 2006. She would help her clients de-clutter, purge, sort, organize, and containerize their whole house while setting up organization systems and creating an organizational flow through their homes. Meanwhile, she is still providing the services from Scrapbook Designer, which then added scanning and digitizing photos and media.
To understand the industry standards, network with other organizers, and learn the newest organizing skills, Christie joined the following associations and membership groups:
- NAPO-National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals
- NAPO-LA-National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals-Los Angeles Chapter
- NAPO-Virtual-National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals-Virtual Chapter
- NAPO Golden Circle
- NAPO University Instructor for Photo Organizing
- TPM-The Photo Managers
Christie studied as she grew her business and became certified in the following:
- Certified Personal Photo Organizer
- Certified Photo Manager
- Certified Home Movie Expert
Christie has assisted as a Professional Organizer on the A&E show “Hoarders.”
Christie was nominated for Best Photo/Memorabilia Organizer at the 7th annual Los Angeles Organizing Awards.
Christie focuses her business on organizing, preserving, archiving, designing, researching, and sharing her clients’ photos, memories, and genealogy family history legacy.
As the stories, memories, and projects grew with Christie’s clients, the need for Genealogy became evident. Christie has been putting her own Genealogy together for the past years and started to see a need for it with her own clients. Christie was already organizing the “inherited box” of documents, archiving the black and white photos, and listening to her client’s family history.
The need for Genealogy became evident as the stories, memories, and projects grew with Christie’s clients. Christie has been putting her genealogy together for the past few years and has started to
see a need for it with her clients. Christie was already organizing the “inherited box” of documents, archiving the black and white photos, and listening to her client’s family history.
Christie then joined:
- SCGS-Southern California Genealogical Society
- A variety of Danish and Nordic Genealogy Interest groups
- APG-Association of Professional Genealogists
- APG-GPC Association of Professional Genealogists-Great Plains Chapter
- VGA-Virtual Genealogical Association
- LLCGS-Lincoln Lancaster County Genealogy Society
- ENGS-Eastern Nebraska Genealogy-Fremont, NE
- NGS-National Genealogical Society
- NSGS-Nebraska State Genealogical Society
- GOGS-Greater Omaha Genealogical Society
- SAA-Society of American Archivists
- Family Tree Maker User groups
Christie enjoys researching what she is familiar with: Danish, Swedish, German, French, Canada (Ontario), Midwest USA (Nebraska), and Farming/Homestead. She studied German for five years and Japanese for two years.
Your Life is made of two dates and a dash. Make the most of the dash.
–The Dash Poem by Linda Ellis
Scrapbook Designer and Vision to be Organized grew to be incredible businesses. But Christie felt she needed to include Genealogy for her business to grow… so she created Memorable Legacy. This company not only creates scrapbooks, organizes piles of photos, designs digital albums, archives, preserves, scans boxes of photos and history, and manages the entire photo collection documents, but also researches family genealogy, organizes genealogy documents, builds digital family trees, preserves ones family legacy, and shares the family history stories. Memorable Legacy became the blended business Christie needed from Scrapbook Designer and Vision to be Organized.
Christie is married to Erik Johnson, who enjoys taking Christie to the “Happiest Place on Earth”: Disneyland. She is a Dog Mommy to Ms. Riley and Ms. Wrigley (both Pembroke Welsh Corgis), who are beyond spoiled. She enjoys working out, taking long walks, reading health books, food prepping, watching Disney movies, scrapbooking her photos, researching her genealogy, and hosting gatherings with her family and friends. Christie is the youngest of 4 siblings; she is an Aunt to 10 nieces and nephews and a Great Aunt.
Christie loves Photos and Genealogy, and accessing them couldn’t be a better victory, so reach out to Christie today at Memorable Legacy to make your “Legacy Memorable.”

- Certificate of Achievement Award, Lincoln Elementary School, 1988
- Graduation Diploma, Fremont Senior High School, 1994
- Business Management Internship, Maurices, 1996-1997
- Fashion Merchandising Internship, Maurices, 1996-1997
- Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree, Metropolitan Community College, 1997
- Fashion Merchandising Associate of Applied Science Degree, Metropolitan Community College, 1997
- Interior Design Program, Learning Tree University, 1999-2000
- Certificate of Completion in Drafting Design, Learning Tree University, 2000
- Interior Design Student Award, Interior Design Society, 2001
- New Member Orientation Process Completion, National Association of Productivity and Professional Organizers-Los Angeles Chapter (NAPO-LA), 2006
- National Association of Productivity and Professional Organizers (NAPO) Continuing Education Units (CEU), 2007-current
- National Association of Productivity and Professional Organizers-Los Angeles Chapter (NAPO-LA) Continuing Education Units (CEU), 2007-2022
- Instructor Certificate of Completion for Customer Service Briefing, UCLA Pathway Extension, Los Angeles, California, 2009
- National Association of Productivity and Professional Organizers-Virtual Chapter (NAPO-VC) Continuing Education Units (CEU), 2011-current
- Southern California Genealogy Society (SCGS), Jamboree Webinar Extension Series, 2015-current
- Nordic, Danish, Swedish, various Genealogy interest groups, meetings, and classes, 2015-current.
- Completed Metadata Camp, Association of Personal Photo Organizers (APPO), 2018
- Completed “Working with Water Damaged Photos” online course by Kathy Stone, Association of Personal Photo Organizers (APPO), 2019
- Completed “Printed Photo Organizing Made Easy” online course by Cathi Nelson and Lisa Kurtz, The Photo Managers (TPM), 2020
- Completed “Digital Photo Organizing Made Easy” online course by Lisa Kurtz, The Photo Managers (TPM), 2020
- Graduated from The Photo Managers (TPM) Masterclass , 2020
- Association of Professional Genealogists (APG), Webinars, 2020-current
- Virtual Genealogical Association (VGA), Webinars, 2020-current
- Southern California Genealogy Society (SCGS), Family Tree User Group Meetings, 2020-current
- Los Angeles FamilySearch Library (LAFSL), Nordic Genealogy Discussion Group, 2020-current
- National Danish-American Genealogical Society (NDAGS), Discussion Group, 2020-current
- Germany Unlocked courses, 2022-current
- Board for Certification of Genealogists(BCG), Continuing Education courses, 2022-current
- Association of Professional Genealogists-Great Plains Chapter (APG-GPC), Monthly Program Discussion, 2022-current
- Legacy Family Tree Webinars, 2022-current
- Association of Professional Genealogists-Great Plains Chapter (APG GPC), National Genealogical Society Quarterly (NGSQ), Discussion Group, 2022-current
- Eastern Nebraska Genealogical Society-Fremont (ENGS), Discussion Group, 2022-current
- Lincoln Lancaster County Genealogy Society (LLCGS), Discussion Group, 2022-current
- Lincoln Lancaster County Genealogy Society (LLCGS), Family Tree Maker User Discussion Group, 2022-current
- Lincoln Lancaster County Genealogy Society (LLCGS), Nordic Genealogy Discussion Group, 2022-current
- Society of American Archivists (SAA), Webinars, 2022-current
- The Photo Managers (TPM), Midwest Photo Managers, Discussion Group, 2022-current
- Customer Service field, 1992-current
- Business Management field, 1992-current
- Retail Management, 1992-2008
- Owner and Operator, Scrapbook Designer, 2003-current (now Memorable Legacy)
- Photo Project Manager & Certified Professional Photo Organizer, 2003-current
- Scrapbook Album & Digital Book Designer, 2003-current
- Photo & Memorabilia Preserving & Digitizing Expert, 2003-current
- Owner and Operator, Vision to be Organized, 2006-current (now Memorable Legacy)
- Trained Provider for NAPO in the Schools, 2007
- UCLA Pathway Extension Instructor, 2008-2010
- Professional Speaker and Presenter, 2009-current
- Professional Organizer Assistant, A&E Hoarders show, 2010-2011
- Owner and Operator, Memorable Legacy, 2015-current
- Professional Genealogist, Organizer & Family Legacy Preserver, 2015-current
- NAPO University Instructor, 2017-current
- Participation in Nordic, Danish, Swedish, and various Genealogy interest groups, meetings, and classes, 2015-current.
- Active Member of NAPO, National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals, National level, 2006-current
- Active Member of NAPO-LA, National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals, Los Angeles Chapter, 2006-2022
- Past Charter Member of APPO, Association of Personal Photos Organizers, 2011-2020 (association changed to The Photo Managers in 2020)
- Past Active Member of APPO, Association of Personal Photo Organizers, 2011-2020 (association changed to The Photo Managers in 2020)
- Active Member of NAPO-VC, National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals, Virtual Chapter, 2011-current
- Active Member of NAPO Golden Circle, National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals, Golden Circle group, 2012-Current
- Active Member of the SCGS, Southern California Genealogical Society, 2014-current
- Active Member of the Nordic Genealogy group in Southern California at the Los Angeles Family Search Library, 2014-current
- Past Active Member of NAPO SIG (Special Interest Group) Photo Organizing, 2017-2021 (group dissolved in 2021)
- Active Member of NDAGS, National Danish American Genealogical Society, 2019-current
- Past Member of the Danish Sisterhood Virtual Tivoli #300 Lodge, 2019-2022
- Active Member of The Museum of Danish America, Elk Horn, Iowa, 2019-current
- Active Member of APG, Association of Professional Genealogists, National Level, 2020-current
- Active Member of TPM, The Photo Managers, formally known as APPO, Association of Personal Photo Organizers, 2020-current
- Active Member of VGA, Virtual Genealogical Association, 2020-current
- Active Member of TPM, The Photo Managers, Midwest Regional Group, 2022-current
- Active Member of APG-GPC, Association of Professional Genealogists-Great Plains Chapter, 2022-current
- Active Member of SAA, Society of American Archivists, 2022-current
- Active Member of Lincoln-Lancaster County Genealogy Society, 2022-current
- Active Member of ENGS, Eastern Nebraska Genealogy Society Fremont, 2022-current
- Active Member of APG-GPC, Association of Professional Genealogists-Great Plains Chapter, National Genealogical Society Quarterly (NGSQ), Discussion Group, 2022-current
Conferences Attended
- Professional Organizer Participation Certification, 19th Annual NAPO Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2007
- Professional Organizer Participation Certification, 20th Annual NAPO Conference, Reno, Nevada, 2008
- Professional Organizer Participation Certification, 21st Annual NAPO Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2009
- Professional Organizer Participation Certification, 23rd Annual NAPO Conference, San Diego, California, 2011
- Professional Organizer Participation Certification, 24th Annual NAPO Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 2012
- Certified Personal Photo Organizer Participation Certification, 1st Annual APPO Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 2013
- Professional Organizer Participation Certification, 25th Annual NAPO Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2013
- Certified Personal Photo Organizer Participation Certification, 2nd Annual APPO Conference, Dallas, Texas, 2014
- Professional Organizer Participation Certification, 26th Annual NAPO Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, 2014
- Attended the 45th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree, Burbank, California, 2014
- Certified Personal Photo Organizer Participation Certification, 3rd Annual APPO Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2015
- Professional Organizer Participation Certification, 27th Annual NAPO Conference, Los Angeles, California, 2015
- Attended the 46th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree, Burbank, California, 2015
- Certified Personal Photo Organizer Participation Certification, 4th Annual APPO Conference, Anaheim, California, 2016
- Attended the 47th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree, Burbank, California, 2016
- Certified Personal Photo Organizer Participation Certificate from the 5th Annual APPO Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 2017
- Attended the 48th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree, Burbank, California, 2017
- Attended RootsTech Conference, provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2018
- Certified Personal Photo Organizer Participation Certificate, 6th Annual APPO Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2018
- Attended the 49th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree, Burbank, California, 2018
- Attended 12th Annual Nordic Spirit Symposium, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, California, 2019
- Attended RootsTech Conference, provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2019
- Certified Personal Photo Organizer Participation Certificate, 7th Annual APPO Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2019
- Attended the 50th Birthday Bash of the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree, Burbank, California, 2019
- Certified Personal Photo Organizer Participation Certificate, 8th Annual APPO Conference-rebranded as The Photo Managers, Virtual Online Summit, 2020
- Attended VGA, Virtual Genealogical Association, Virtual Conference, 2020
- Attended RootsTech Conference, provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Virtual, 2021
- Attended the 9th Annual Spring-into Learning Hybrid Conference from The Photo Mangers, 2021
- Attended Southern California Genealogy Virtual Jamboree, 2021
- Attended IGGP, International German Genealogy Partnership Virtual Conference, 2021
- Attended APG, Association of Professional Genealogists, Virtual Professional Management Conference, 2021
- Attended VGA, Virtual Genealogical Association, Virtual Conference, 2021
- Attended RootsTech Conference, provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Virtual, 2022
- Attended TPM The Photo Mangers 10th Annual Conference, Virtual, 2022
- Attended APG, Association of Professional Genealogists, Virtual Professional Management Conference, 2022
- Attended VGA Virtual Genealogy Association Annual Conference, 2022
- Attended RootsTech Conference, provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Virtual, 2023
- Attended TPM The Photo Mangers 11th Annual Conference, Virtual, 2023
- Attended GRIP Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh, Virtual, 2023
- Attended VGA Virtual Genealogy Association Annual Conference, 2023
Awards and Certifications
- Young Authors Conference Certificate Award, 1985
- Most Organized Certificate Award, Valentino’s Restaurant, 1995
- Employee of the Month, two consecutive months, Maurices, 1996
- Outstanding Associate Award, Phillips-Van Heusen, 1998
- Hourly Management Training Program Certificate of Completion, Phillips-Van Heusen, 1998
- Associate of the Month Certificate of Achievement, Steinmart, 2002
- Associate of the Year Certificate of Achievement, Steinmart, 2002
- Photography Coordinator Certificate Appreciation Award, Los Angeles Organizing Awards Task Force, NAPO-LA Chapter, 2008
- Photography Coordinator Certificate Appreciation Award, Los Angeles Organizing Awards Task Force, NAPO-LA Chapter, 2009
- Membership Committee of the Month Award, NAPO-LA Chapter, 2009
- Certificate of Appreciation Award as Photography Coordinator from the Los Angeles Organizing Awards for the NAPO-LA Chapter, 2010
- Personal Photo Organizer Certification, APPO-Association of Personal Photo Organizers, 2011
- Best Photo/Memorabilia Organizer Nomination, 7th Annual Los Angeles Organizing Awards, 2013
- Certificate of Training, Home Movie Certification, Pro-8MM, Rhonda Vigeant Home Movie Education Instructor, 2014-2016
- Personal Photo Organizer Certification, The Photo Managers (TPM), formally known as APPO, Association of Personal Photo Organizers, 2020-current
- Best of Santa Clarita, Vision to be Organized Professional Organizer, 2020
- Reading the Old German Handwriting Certificate of Completion, Unlocked German Course, 2022
- Certificate of Attendance, Mastering the Art of Genealogical Documentation, Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh GRIP, held via Zoom June 18-23, 2023
- Certificate of Completion, Gateway to Practical Homeopathy I Second Edition, Joette’s Learning Center, June 26th, 2023
- Certificate of Completion, Gateway II to Homeopathy: A Guided Study Group Curriculum by Joette Calabrese, August 16, 2023
- Volunteered as the Historian, NAPO-LA Chapter, 2006-2016
- Volunteer of the Month Award as Historian from the NAPO-LA Chapter, 2007
- Volunteered as Greeter Coordinator, NAPO-LA Chapter, 2007-2010
- Volunteered as the Photography Coordinator, NAPO-LA Chapter Task Force Committee for the NAPO-LA Chapter Expo, 2008-2010
- Volunteered as the Photography Coordinator, NAPO-LA Chapter Task Force Committee for the Los Angeles Organizing Awards, 2008-2010
- Volunteer of the Month Award for Historian, NAPO-LA Chapter, 2010
- Volunteered as the Historian, Agua Dulce Women’s Club, 2009
- Volunteers as Email Sender for Meeting Reminders, Professional Development Committee, NAPO-Virtual Chapter, 2012-current
- Volunteered as the Director of Marketing NAPO-LA Chapter, 2013-2016
- Volunteer Service Recognized as NAPO Los Angeles Chapter Director of Marketing from NAPO National, 2015-2016 term
- Volunteered for Save Your Photos Month, The Photo Managers, 2020
- Volunteers as Trustee/Historian, Danish Sisterhood Tivoli Lodge #300, 2020-current
- Volunteered as Trustee/Historian and Public Relations, Danish Sisterhood Tivoli Lodge #300, 2020-2022
- Volunteers as Vice President, APG-Great Plains Chapter, 2024- current